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The Providence Hall Junior High Student Council represents the voice of our students. They help to organize community service projects, arrange school-wide special activities and provide input on school decisions.
The Providence Hall Junior High Student Council helps plan activities for the school that will increase student engagement and encourage school spirit. They are mentors and leaders for the rest of the student body and are held to a high standard of integrity.
Student council is an opportunity for students to make a difference in their school community and grow their leadership skills. Our student council members are the voice of students as they become more involved in decisions.
It is important to remember that student council isn’t a popularity contest. Even if you don’t believe you can be a leader, you can be.
Students, if you are interested in joining student council, you will need to follow these steps:
Pick up an application packet from the front office.
Prepare your campaign materials.
Start talking to other students about your campaign.
Pay attention to any due dates.
Elections are held every spring for the following year.
We expect our student council members to embody good leadership traits. They need to be courageous, thinkers, and communicators. Your priority is to listen to your fellow students’ wants and make them happen. Some of the opportunities you’ll receive after being elected include:
Shaping what the school’s culture looks like
Work closely with administration
Help with school fundraisers
Help with school activities, such as dances and spirit week
Do daily morning announcements
Be the next voice for the students at Providence Hall, and talk to our student council advisor today!