About the ES
ES Resources
A counseling program is in place at Providence Hall Elementary School. The elementary counseling program is designed to enhance and promote a safe, healthy, and positive educational learning environment. The elementary counselor is an integral team participant when working with students, staff, parents, and community agencies.
The elementary counseling program is preventative in nature; the goal is to reach out to the entire elementary school population within a structured framework of services.
Individual Student Counseling Sessions – Requests are made by student referral, staff referral, or parent referral. Sessions are as needed, and for brief periods of time. The counselor coordinates activities that help all students plan, monitor, and manage their own learning, as well as meet competencies in the areas of academic, personal, and social development. Please note, the elementary school counseling program is not therapeutic in nature. If a child is in need of ongoing counseling services, the school counselor can help families connect with outside agencies.
Small Group Sessions – A small group setting with targeted students, groups may be specialty topics or general in nature. Topics may include but are not limited to: separation, divorce, friendship, social skills, paying attention, study skills, anger control, death etc. Students, staff or parents may make a request for student participation in a small guidance group.
Social Skills Program: Our Counseling team uses a program called Second Step. This research based and successful school program helps children learn how to make friends, manage their emotions, solve problems, and deal with peer pressure in constructive ways.
Class Guidance Lessons – Lessons are presented by the counselor to individual classes as scheduled by the classroom teacher.
Crisis Counseling – Available as needed, please contact the school counselor if your child is in need of immediate contact with a counselor.
Agency Contact and Assistance – The counselor is in contact with various outside community agencies as needed in the interest and welfare of the student population. The counselor works in a supportive role to provide services to students and their families.
School-wide Activities – Organizes and assists with assembly programs or various schoolwide activities and events.
The elementary counselor visits each K-5 classroom several times throughout the school year to present bully prevention lessons.
If you know of someone being bullied, encourage the child to tell his or her teacher, counselor, or other adult at the school or home.
A child may request to see the counselor at any time during the school day. If a child has been referred for individual or small group counseling, the school counselor will contact the parent/guardian for permission to provide the counseling sessions.
If you have concerns about your child and would like to speak with the counselor or refer your child, please contact the front office to make an appointment.